This blog is a forum for discussion about spiritual realities and biblical truth for the 9th and 10th Grade Sunday School class at Colonial Baptist Church in VA Beach, VA. The aim is to stimulate discussion and meditation on truth that we might have our minds renewed (Romans 12:1-2)and become better followers of Jesus Christ.
No matter what Mr. Estes teaches... or PK announces... or Mr. Mount declares... we, the 9-10th grade Sunday school class, will be now and forever, the most intellectually challenged class this U-th group has every seen. Rock On!
*The author of this entry did not wish to take credit for the content of this article.
I felt conviction...I...Wrote the...entry!
Josh L
Way to keep your conscience clean...and your comment from being deleted :-)
I like this i just finaly checked the blog out just saying hi!
Ill take some time to read later busy.
Glad to know someone in our group is "praying" for me. I think that is because we didn't have Mountain Dew or Coffee this Sunday.
By the way, great close up. Nasty.
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