A Question For This Sunday's Lecture
Rob did a great job handling a tough passage this past week. He addressed the interplay between faith and works and how James' teaching relates to Paul's on Justification. Some people have argued (I think convincingly) that James was writing his section on faith and works in order to combat false teaching on the topic. The idea is that some people had taken Paul's teaching of faith alone by grace alone and twisted it to teach antinomianism (literally "lawlessness - the idea you can pray a prayer and then live however you want and it doesn't matter). Since Paul's letters had not been written yet, it's easy to see how quickly his teaching could have been twisted in such a way. Therefore some people think (myself included) that James was writing (even before Paul's stuff was in "print") to correct some people who were twisting Paul's "oral" teaching. He firmly reminded them that true faith results in works (as Rob taught last week).
This Sunday we're going to be adressing the first half of chapter 3 where James talks about the tongue. However, in James 3:1 he says "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." If he's been teaching on faith and works, and he's going to be speaking about the tongue, why in the world does he bring up teachers in 3:1? Look at the passage in context and post what you think under the comments section. I'll respond to what you put and we'll discuss it in greater detail in class.
This Sunday we're going to be adressing the first half of chapter 3 where James talks about the tongue. However, in James 3:1 he says "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." If he's been teaching on faith and works, and he's going to be speaking about the tongue, why in the world does he bring up teachers in 3:1? Look at the passage in context and post what you think under the comments section. I'll respond to what you put and we'll discuss it in greater detail in class.
Just to get the ball rolling; maybe he is warning those same people who have been perverting Paul's message that teaching is dangerous business!! These might be the same people as the "someone" in James 2:18, and the "foolish person" in James 2:20 who we know were at least teaching the false doctrine that a person could have faith, but did not need any works to back it up. If I preached antinomian (grace abusing, lawless) doctrine, I hope someone would warn me as James does in James 3:1.
I think that James is trying to let us know that being a teacher means that we must abide by a strict standard and we will be using our tongues and then he goes into how hard it is to control our tongue and how essential it is. So I think he is trying to make aware to those interested that teaching is a big responsibility. This sypnopsis is short and kind of shallow so I guess I won't start a new cult on it just yet.
Sorry about that, the previous one was by me.
-Jim Elliot...Ok Josh L
I think that one reason is that a teacher teaches and is giving his thought on the subject. They could be saying something wrong and against the Bible. They might also say one thing and live the other way. Someone once said, "actions speak louder than words." So when unbelievers see believers saying one thing and living another, they may say, "I don't need God because there is no difference between that person and me." So we Christians need to watch what we say and do, so that we can show Christ.
Another reason would be like what Rob said. They could be taking Paul's message the wrong way.
-Daniel R.
In response to Dan's entry I think this quote is very applicable.
"I'd rather see a sermon then hear one any day; I'd rather have one walk beside my then merely point the way." I have a bud who likes to give me advice but he has trouble living it. I am not saying he should be perfect in order to give advice but when the peer pressure is on he fails to live up to his own advice.
Josh L
PS. Nice thoughts Dan!
So far I think the thoughts have been good...keep them coming!
well i have not been able to get on earlyer and so this is my first time writing and as most of you (or at least should by now)that i don't attend CBC's SS (yah i know i am horrible not going to SS)any more. so to get to the matter at hand. i agree with Josh and Dan that whatever im told to do (excpecially if new)i would like to do it first with someone. and this is one BIG problem in ammerica and Christian schools is that we are told or we are telling people how to live when we don't do it ourselves. well for example take a muslims perspective:if they don't live in USA they will say to their children or anyone that "if you want to be or your children to be homosexual, gangsters, etc. then go to america the "CHRISTIAN" country." or something like this when you witness to them "Would you take a look at the "CHRISTIAN" country (USA)just take a look at them. their teaching say one thing, yet they do the oppesite." some of the reasons muslims are hard to reach and as i hope you understood the take US as a whole christian country.
fine i'll admit it it's me, daniel vinokuroff. for those that are wondering so far so good. good church and youth with more russian speaking then english onlyers; of course i miss all of yall and they don't have a youth pastor as cool as pk but still good. our closing is this wednesday (4-26-06). and for those that don't know i am planning to be in CBC on may 22. well that is about it. i will write more and will keep up with e-mail.
I have been looking through James in chapter two and am looking forward to Sunday's lesson. I am challenged much by the responsibility we have when we think about the volitility of our tongues. I hope we can all learn from this.
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